The Society for Biocontrol Advancement (SBA) was established in 1986 as Indian Society for Biocontrol Advancement (ISBA) at the TamilNadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India and later started functioning as Society for Biocontrol Advancement (SBA) from 1996 at Project Directorate of Biological Control, Bangalore which was recently upgraded as National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAIR). The objective of SBA is to promote research, create awareness and implementation of biological control of pests, pathogens and weeds in India. SBA creates a platform for the exchange of views. The SBA' s activities include publication of a highly specialized journal on Biological control (Journal of Biological Control), conducting Seminar/ Symposia / Conference on biological control and to develop national and international cooperation with other societies and organisations engaged in such similar activities. The society had conducted already many Symposia / Seminars / Conferences / Brainstorming and Workshops.